I specialize in writing white papers and research reports for corporate clients and industry associations. Projects range in size from 2,000 to 12,000 words. Some recent samples of my work include:
National Real Estate Investor
Net Lease Research Report
Click Here for a link to the report.

Quarterly Investor Sentiment Outlook
Click Here for a link to the report.
Seniors Housing Research Report
Click Here for a link to the report.
CoreNet Global
The Bigger Picture: The Future of Corporate Real Estate
Exploring the Strategic Importance of Facilities Management
China: Manufacturing & Industrial Market
China: Infrastructure Influences Location Decisions
China: Sustainability Gains a Foothold
Brazil Corporate Real Estate Report
Brazil Pushes Green Building Forward
Multinational Corporations Weigh Risks vs Rewards in Russia
Click Here to access the CoreNet Knowledge Center.
*Most websites require registration to access copies of research reports. CoreNet research is available to members only. Please contact me if you would like samples emailed to you.